Reducing the Psychological Burden of Infertility

Psychological Burden of Infertility

How many times during your fertility journey have you thought, “I can’t do this anymore”?

This is really, really hard

And it’s not just because your odds of pregnancy are may be lower.  It’s not just because you can’t handle the medication.  It’s not just because of the costs associated with treatment.  While all these things are hard, really hard, you could manage them.  It’s the constant psychological burden.  Waking up in the morning weighed down by the uncertainty, the what-ifs, and a hopeless feeling that seems soul-deep.

A devastating diagnosis

We get it.  While everyone else just has sex and poof, they are pregnant, you feel like you are constantly trying to walk uphill, in a foreign land, without a map, and no one speaks your language.  Meanwhile, you’re expected to carry on with the rest of your life as if this isn’t one of the most difficult and devastating experiences you have ever faced.  In fact, “women with infertility felt as anxious or depressed as those diagnosed with cancer, hypertension, or recovering from a heart attack.”

The psychological burden is immense

The mental strain is the hardest part of being a fertility clinic patient.  Despite research showing that psychological burden is the top reason insured patients discontinue treatment, your fertility clinic likely lacks the support options that could help you find the fortitude to continue with treatment.

Lighten Your Load

That’s why we chose the theme Lighten Your Load for Canadian Infertility Awareness Week (CIAW) 2021.  To help you find ways to lighten your fertility burden to help you stick with the fertility treatments that can ultimately increase your chances of pregnancy and birth.  During CIAW we ran a free Fertility Forum, where each day we hosted a 20 minute live chat with an expert talking to them about key areas that increase your mental burden.  All of the replays are available for you to hear their valuable insight and tips to help you lighten your load.  You’ll also get a digital summary of all the talks which will provide all the key take-aways (so you don’t have to take notes while wathcing!).  It’s all free, you will get clear, easy-to-implement tactics to help you to reduce your mental burden, and you will feel the support from a community that is behind you to help you reach your goal – a baby.  Enter your details for access to the replays and digital summary:

It’s not just one thing – it’s everything

The impact of infertility is far-reaching.  It laughs in the face of your life plans.  It burns through your savings.  It builds walls between you and your friends.  It puts a damper on romance.  It steals your joy.  It robs you of time.  It is painful.  And all of this together can just be too much.

To help, we have identified the top areas of struggle for fertility patients and this is what our experts addressed in each of the talks.  We want to help you understand how to navigate through these important topics.

Questions like “I don’t have fertility treatment benefits; how will I pay for my treatment?” will be addressed, and “What does the research say when it comes to how to best eat and exercise when going through fertility treatments?”

Our 2021 CIAW panel covered:

  • Fertility and finance
  • Your relationship with your partner
  • The mental strain and strategies for conquering this
  • What the research says about fitness and fertility treatments
  • Food and fertility

Access all the Lighten YOUR Load support below.  Maybe tomorrow you will breathe a little easier!

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