The TWW guide contains daily tactics shown through research to help increase the chances of implantation during the Two-Week Wait
During the two-week wait, do you feel:
- Worried about the outcome?
- Anxious from all the waiting and wishing you could do something to improve implantation?
- Unsure what to eat and how to move?
- Mentally exhausted thinking about all the uncertainties?

Hi, I’m Michelle, your functional nutritionist and fertility expert.
After years of fertility challenges, I became passionate about helping other women realize their dream of a family.
To date, I have helped thousands of women empower themselves with research-based tools for improving pregnancy outcomes.
I know…
- How painful fertility challenges are
- The heartbreak that comes with each passing cycle
- The constant worry about what the future may hold
- Feeling like you want to do more but not sure what that is
The good news is that there are strategies you can use to make this process easier and the TWW Implantation guide is one way to support your luteal phase and increase the likelihood of implantation.
This program is for you if:
- You want to DO something to help support your body during the two-week wait
- Want to employ evidence-based strategies to increase the chance of implantation
- You believe that diet and lifestyle can have a positive impact on pregnancy rates
- You are willing to try new strategies and foods to help balance hormones, reduce inflammation and boost nutrient status
Love Notes
Game-changing support for the Two-Week Wait (TWW)!
The Two-Week Wait Implantation System provides a 14-day calendar of recipes, safe exercise options, and stress management support tools to help you make the most of the TWW. This self-guided system requires only a few minutes per day. This product will be immediately delivered via email. Designed by a registered nutritionist.

What's included:
- Research-based strategies to help improve your odds of implantation
- Answers to questions like “what type of exercise is safe during the TWW?” and “Are there any foods I can eat to improve my chance of pregnancy?”
- Key concepts to help you physically and mentally make the most of the Two-Week Wait
- Understand the #1 supplement and food you can take to support implantation
- Key implantation tactics from Traditional Chinese Medicine