Is this Impacting Your Chance of Pregnancy?

Is this Impacting Your Chance of Pregnancy?

Inflammation is widely accepted as one of the root causes of many disease processes in the body – including conditions closely linked to fertility challenges.

In some cases, inflammation can cause scarring (making implantation more difficult), it can damage cells (sperm and egg cells), injure tissue (think uterine lining), cause structural changes, can be the driver of endometriosis flares, and is generally thought to be at the root cause of most disease processes.

What causes inflammation?

Common culprits include:

  • Poor diet
  • Consumption of allergenic or sensitive (to you) foods
  • Poor quality sleep
  • Gut health challenges
  • Exposure to toxins
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Smoking/cannabis
  • Infections​​​​​​​ 
  • Oral health concerns
  • Stress

So, to get a handle on inflammation (if it’s too high), we address the above, right?

But how do we know if inflammation is too high?

One of my favourite (secret weapon) blood tests I run on all of my private clients is hs-CRP. This test helps to identify if there is too much inflammation present in the body. Once we know, then we can take steps to address it.

First steps

To dig deeper, we need to put on our detective hat.

Look at the list above. Does anything stand out to you that you know is an issue or that you could improve?

Maybe you just got some blood work back and were told that you have PCOS, which may help explain some of the weight you have gained, the acne, and irregular periods. Getting a handle on this hormonal condition would be a great place to start when trying to lower inflammation.

Maybe you frequently experience gas, and bloating, and are prone to infections like yeast or bacterial vaginosis (BV). The gut and our overall microbiome are critical for our health and fertility – this is a must to address.

What I’m trying to get at is to start with the most obvious and address that first.

If poor diet is a concern, consider incorporating more anti-inflammatory foods like leafy greens, berries, fatty fish, and nuts into your meals. Avoid processed foods and excessive sugar, which can exacerbate inflammation.

If you suspect gut health challenges or frequent infections like the ones discussed above, focus on improving your digestion by consuming probiotic-rich foods (kimchi, kefir, and sauerkraut), removing offending foods, and having some testing done to identify what is going on.

Additionally, prioritize quality sleep by establishing a consistent sleep schedule (bed at 10 and up at 6), creating a relaxing bedtime routine (tea, shower, read), and optimizing your sleep environment (cool is best). Adequate rest is crucial for reducing inflammation and supporting overall health.

Addressing these foundational aspects of health can have a profound impact on reducing inflammation and improving fertility outcomes. Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements over time. It’s true, don’t try and tackle everything all at once!

I hope that helps to point you in the right direction when it comes to lowering inflammation.

So, the question now is, will get get this blood test done?

Other Articles/Recipes You May Like:

Miscarriage and the Uterine Microbiome

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