To My Partner (and future father of my children) this Father’s Day

To My Partner

To my partner,

As we head into another tough holiday during our fertility journey, I wanted you to know that I see you, I appreciate you, and I am here for you. 

You are my rock on all of the days.  You know, those days when you help pull me off the bathroom floor, wipe my tears, and hold me tight telling me that our baby will come.  But on Father’s Day, I want to be that same support for you.  While I battle my own feelings daily, I often forget that you are hurting too.  Longing to rock a baby of your own, read them stories, teach them to ride a bike, and cheer them on at sporting games.  I see you with our nieces and nephews and know that you will be the best Dad.  Our baby is already the luckiest angel to have you as their Dad and I know the day that we beat our fertility challenges and welcome our baby earthside will be a day of utter happiness, joy, and relief.  

Although you don’t always express your sadness, I see it on your face from time to time.  I know how difficult it is to ache for the baby that still hasn’t come, but I promise you that this waiting will be worth it.  The money we have spent from our savings for a chance at our own family will be worth it.  Every shot you’ve given me, every ultrasound and procedure you have come to, every prayer we have said, every tear we have cried will all be worth it.  I never imagined that when we talked about our dream of having a family once we were married, that we would be here waiting, praying, and hoping for a miracle of our own.

I could never thank you enough for being my strength and comfort through this arduous time and please know that you will forever have my heart. No matter how hard the bad days are, I know we will get through them together.  I like to think this is setting us up to be the best parents.  We will never ever take a single moment for granted with our baby. Give yourself time to grieve and feel all your feelings.  I hope you feel all my love on this day and every day. I can’t wait until we get to celebrate Father’s Day with a baby in your arms, it will surely be a view that takes my breath away! 


guest post by Jessica Gilbert

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