
Sleep, Estrogen Dominance
What does estrogen domiance and sleep have to do with fertility? Did you know that…
Shannon's Story
No one ever knows how long it will take them to become pregnant, but for…
Fertility Challenges
Two years of fertility struggles. Too many needles and internal ultrasounds to count. Multiple failed…
To My Partner
To my partner, As we head into another tough holiday during our fertility journey, I…
Diana's Story
I’ve been battling unexplained infertility for 3 years. I’ve always wanted kids, but I always…
Fertility Treatments
"Fertility Treatments on Hold? Here’s What to Do" | myMindBodyBaby The waiting. The wondering. The…
IVF Easier
"5 Tips to Make IVF Easier" | myMindBodyBaby First, let’s be clear.  Making the decision…
"Why Having a Fertility Mentor Might Be Just What You Need" | guest post by…
getting pregnant
"You aren’t getting pregnant. Now what?" | myMindBodyBaby You and your partner made the exciting…
PCOS Diagnosis
"PCOS Diagnosis: What is it and what you can do to manage it?" | myMindBodyBaby…
Your Career
"Managing Your Career During Infertility Part 2: Advancing Your Career" | myMindBodyBaby In Part 1…
Fertility Treatment
"Preparing for Fertility Treatment: Questions to Ask Your Doctor" | myMindBodyBaby Full disclosure: I love…
Failed IVF
"After a Failed IVF" | myMindBodyBaby There is so much that goes into the decision…
Infertility Hangover
"Infertility Hangover" | myMindBodyBaby The Infertility Hangover. It has a lot of symptoms. I was…
Mother's Day After Infertility
"Surviving Mother's Day After Infertility or Loss" | myMindBodyBaby Mother’s Day used to sound so…
Life Choices
"The Right to Make Life Choices" | myMindBodyBaby Today is International Women’s Day and this…
Infertility Journey
"Infertility Journey: Our Long Road to Pregnancy" | myMindBodyBaby Seems so easy. First of all,…