A clear plan for improving your chance of pregnancy this IVF cycle

The IVF Formula

The IVF Formula is an evidence-based, doctor-recommended system for improving IVF outcomes

You are EXHAUSTED from:

  • Want to know what else you can do to increase your chances of getting pregnant?
  • The stress and uncertainty of your situation?
  • Feeling overwhelmed by all the “advice” out there?
  • Feeling abandoned and worried that it will never happen for you?

-Research-based strategies and tools to prepare your body for pregnancy

The IVF Formula

Provides clear steps that have been shown to improve IVF cycle outcomes, including egg retrieval, and fresh and frozen embryo transfers.

Based on the latest fertility and women’s health research, this program contains simple, nourishing meal plans, safe exercise options, and mental well-being tools to support you – mind and body – through an IVF protocol.

This curated program, designed by fertility experts, helps you apply the most up-to-date research to your own IVF journey to ensure you are doing all you can to improve your chance of pregnancy.

If you are ready to start making small changes that can have a big impact – this simple Fertility Formula is for you.

Hi, I’m Michelle, your functional nutritionist and fertility expert.

After years of fertility challenges, I fell in love with helping other women achieve their dream of a family.

To date, I’ve helped thousands of women empower themselves with research-based tools to improve pregnancy outcomes.

I know…

  • How Painful Are Fertility Challenges
  • The sadness that comes with each passing cycle
  • Constant worry about what the future might hold
  • Feeling like doing more but not sure what that is

The reason I’m here, and you’re reading this, is because I found a clearer way to help improve your chances of pregnancy in an IVF cycle.

This program is for you if:

  • Do you want to know EXACTLY what to do to increase your chances of pregnancy?
  • You want to be in charge of your IVF cycle
  • Are you ready to feel confident and HOPEFUL about your next IVF cycle?
  • Holding your baby for the first time and what that feeling would be like
  • You want to know that you are doing everything in your power to make this cycle successful

Love Notes

A proven formula that helps those undergoing IVF treatment get and stay pregnant, faster.

The IVF formula is an evidence-based self-guided lifestyle program curated to provide in-depth, step-by-step plans that will support you through the entire IVF process.

What's included:

  • IVF Formula Nutritional Guide + IVF-Focused 4-Week Meal Plan & Shopping List
  • Email mentoring for any questions or support needed
  • Exercise guidance with a focus on IVF
  • Mindfulness guide with proven techniques to increase your chances of pregnancy and navigate your fertility journey as easily as possible
  • Supplement suggestions from a licensed naturopath
  • Two-week standby deployment guide that includes a 14-day calendar of tactics that have been shown to improve deployment. Plus, additional recipes
  • Bonus Transfer and Recovery Recipe Booklets
  • Bonus Vegetarian Meal Plan